epa10192868 The archbishop of Naples Domenico Battaglia holds a vial believed to contain the blood of the 3rd century saint San Gennaro (Saint Januarius) during the so-called liquefaction miracle, in the Chapel of the Treasury, in Naples, Italy, 19 September 2022. Faithful gather three times a year to witness the liquefaction of the otherwise coagulated blood of the saint. EPA/Ciro Fusco
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A Napoli si è ripetuto il prodigio del ‘miracolo’ di San Gennaro.
‘Il segno del sangue ancora una volta’, sono state le parole con cui l’arcivescovo di Napoli, monsignor Domenico Battaglia, ha annunciato ai fedeli riuniti nel Duomo l’avvenuta liquefazione del sangue del Santo Patrono.
epa10192869 The archbishop of Naples Domenico Battaglia holds a vial believed to contain the blood of the 3rd century saint San Gennaro (Saint Januarius) during the so-called liquefaction miracle, in the Chapel of the Treasury, in Naples, Italy, 19 September 2022. Faithful gather three times a year to witness the liquefaction of the otherwise coagulated blood of the saint. EPA/Ciro Fusco
epa10192868 The archbishop of Naples Domenico Battaglia holds a vial believed to contain the blood of the 3rd century saint San Gennaro (Saint Januarius) during the so-called liquefaction miracle, in the Chapel of the Treasury, in Naples, Italy, 19 September 2022. Faithful gather three times a year to witness the liquefaction of the otherwise coagulated blood of the saint. EPA/Ciro Fusco
epa10192854 The archbishop of Naples Domenico Battaglia holds a vial believed to contain the blood of the 3rd century saint San Gennaro (Saint Januarius) during the so-called liquefaction miracle, in the Chapel of the Treasury, in Naples, Italy, 19 September 2022. Faithful gather three times a year to witness the liquefaction of the otherwise coagulated blood of the saint. EPA/Ciro Fusco
epa10192867 The archbishop of Naples Domenico Battaglia holds a vial believed to contain the blood of the 3rd century saint San Gennaro (Saint Januarius) during the so-called liquefaction miracle, in the Chapel of the Treasury, in Naples, Italy, 19 September 2022. Faithful gather three times a year to witness the liquefaction of the otherwise coagulated blood of the saint. EPA/Ciro Fusco
L’annuncio è stato dato alle ore 9.27. Le parole dell’arcivescovo sono state accolte con un lungo applauso. Il ripetersi del ‘miracolo’ è letto dai fedeli come segno di buon auspicio per Napoli e la Campania. Il miracolo avviene tre volte l’anno: il 19 settembre, giorno di San Gennaro, il sabato che precede la prima domenica di maggio, e il 16 dicembre. (ANSA).